学生/家长手册 & 政策

学生/家长手册 2020-2021: 艾尔曼运动员/啦啦队员守则

所有参加田径/啦啦队的学生每周必须完成至少25个学分(5个学术课程)的高中作业. Driver’s Education is not part of the twenty-five hours. 不符合此要求的学生将在教练接到通知后的第一天起的七(7)个日历日内失去资格.


学生年满19岁(19)才有资格,除非学生在体育赛季期间年满20岁(20), in which event eligibility shall terminate on the first day of such season (as the season is defined in Section 5.000条附例). (IHSA 3.060)

为了参加课外实践或活动,学生必须在上午10点前出勤,并在学校的其他时间保持出勤.  如果学生上午10点以后来学校, they must have a note from a medical or dental office to be eligible for athletic or extra-curricular participation.  上午10点以后离校的学生只能参加当天的体育活动或课外活动, 如果他们去看医生或牙医. Students need to bring a note from a doctor or dentist upon return to school.  如果学生在上午10点之后离开学校,将没有资格参加体育或课外活动. 

Parents/Guardians assume liability for the athlete through their own insurance. An insurance waiver must be signed by the parent/guardian before the start of the year or first sport season. 免责声明允许家长注明运动员在该学年将参加的所有体育项目.

All participants must have a physical examination before he/she can practice. 学校应为每个参加校际欧博体育app(包括练习)的学生提供由有执照的医生颁发的身体健康证书, 在参加任何此类实践的任何日期前不超过395天,根据伊利诺伊州法规规定的医师助理或执业护士, 比赛或活动.(i.e., 365 days + 30 from physical date allowed) … the Alleman Physical Form can be found on our website (v12.bolderair.com)田径项目.

欧博体育app/cheerleading are a privilege at Alleman High School. With this privilege come certain responsibilities. One responsibility is to present an appropriate image of an Alleman Athlete/Cheerleader. The Administration reserves the right to determine what is an appropriate image for Alleman Athletes/Cheerleaders. 除了, 任何被认为不合适的发型, 非凡的, or distractive will be in violation of the athletic code. Jewelry is unacceptable for ALL athletes, during practice or scheduled competition.

Equipment lost by players must be paid for by the player. 费用将视设备的状况而定. A player will not be able to start the next sport season until lost equipment is paid for or replaced.


Athletes will not be allowed to wear equipment from other schools, Physical Education or team issued.

Grave or major or minor offenses by Alleman Athletes/Cheerleaders will not be tolerated. (见第41页) & 45.) Alleman’s Athletic Code applies during the season, off season, and summer. Alleman Athletes and Cheerleaders will be subject to this Athletic Code in addition to the student code. 总教练和体育总监有权开除任何对艾尔曼高中或其各自球队有害的艾尔曼运动员或啦啦队长. 注:

  1. If the student is currently participating in a sport, 他们将在该赛季受到惩罚——如果该赛季剩余的比赛少于处罚规定,那么AD将决定该运动员在该学生的下一个运动赛季必须缺席多少场比赛.

  2. 如果学生目前没有参加某项运动, the suspension will go into effect for whichever sport they participate in next. The suspension will not be considered fulfilled unless the student 以模范队友的身份结束那个赛季 没有进一步的事故. If the student does not complete the season or is 因违反队规而被开除,那么该学生所参加的下一项运动也会受到完全规定的停赛处罚.

  3. Suspension length will be based on the amount of regular season competitions. Games that are cancelled due to inclement weather, etc. 不会被罚停赛吗.

第一次进攻 - The minimum suspension for possession of or use of or remaining present where there are illegal drugs, 包括未成年人饮酒, 或《欧博体育app》所列其他严重违例者,为该队所参加的计划项目的三分之一, and for which he/ she is physically and academically eligible. 在犯罪的时候, the Athletic Director will determine the number of events for which the athlete is ineligible.

志愿录取, in writing to the Principal or Assistant Principal, by the student of an infraction involving substance abuse will result in the consequence being reduced by half. The purpose of this provision is to encourage the student to accept responsibility for his/her actions/decisions. 如校长及/或副校长已知悉违例情况,则不得使用自愿录取通知书. This provision may be used only once during a high school career and for a first offense only.

高中时第二次犯罪 运动员/啦啦队员将被停赛三分之二的比赛项目, and for which he/she is physically and academically eligible. 然而如果, the second offense occurs within 365 calendar days of the first offense, then the suspension will be for one calendar year. Periods of ineligibility may not be served concurrently. 在犯罪的时候, the Athletic Director will determine the number of events for which the athlete is ineligible.

高中时第三次犯罪 -自违规之日起,该学生将被停学至少一年,除非在Alleman完成50小时的劳动留校,否则不可能再参加. 被禁赛的学生必须在整个赛季都是球队的一员,禁赛才算结束. The only exception would be those suspended for one calendar year.


  • 数字 – awarded to a freshman student-athlete 谁来完成这个赛季, 满足性能, 行为, and attendance requirements as set forth by the head coach. Only one set of numerals is awarded to a student-athlete while at Alleman.

  • 二年级书信—— awarded to a freshman or sophomore student-athlete 谁来完成这个赛季, 满足性能, 行为, and attendance requirements as set forth by the head coach. Only one sophomore letter is awarded to a student-athlete while at Alleman.

  • 校信 -授予学生运动员, 不管成绩如何, 谁来完成这个赛季, 表演, 行为, and attendance requirements as set forth by the head coach. Only one varsity letter is awarded to a student-athlete while at Alleman.

  • 针, 每获得一封校队信件就会获得奖励.

  • 证书, 颁发给任何学生运动员, 不管成绩如何, 谁来完成这个赛季, 满足性能, 行为, and attendance requirements as set forth by the head coach. Certificates are awarded when the appropriate numeral or letter has already been awarded.


任何从其他学校转学的学生运动员只允许获得与他/她转学的年份相对应的奖励,以及此后的任何奖励. For example: if an eligible sophomore transfers in and earns a sophomore letter, he/she is not able to receive the freshmen numerals from Alleman.

运动员/拉拉队队长在该项目第一次比赛后不得以任何理由从一个队转到另一个队. The Athletic Director will make the final determination in all such cases.


If a student -athlete is considering participation in two sports during the same season, this must be discussed with the Athletic Director prior to the start of the official practice. 各自的教练, student-athlete and parents must agree to any consequences that may arise as a result of both schedules; including all practices and contests.

It is a tremendous challenge to balance two sports along with a full academic load. 体育部只有在有书面协议确定所有承诺和此类安排的细节时才会支持这一点. This agreement must be signed by the head coaches, 的学生运动员, 家长和体育总监.

Cheerleading tryouts will take place in April or May for the following school year. This includes Football and Basketball sideline spirit squads. Varsity and/or sophomore squads will be based on numbers and need. 欧博体育app的主教练和一组经验丰富的人将评判试训并决定相应的阵容.

“Sportsmanship is that quality of honor that desires always to be courteous, 公平, 和尊重, 这也体现在球员的行为上, 观众, 教练和学校主管部门.” ——菲尔丁·约斯特

Alleman高中是伊利诺伊州高中协会(IHSA)的成员,并支持该组织的体育精神使命声明:“良好的体育精神是积极支持IHSA成员学校校际项目的态度和行为。, as well as for the individuals who participate in such programs. 参与校际项目各个方面的人都应该表现出对他人的尊重和良好的体育精神."